Lotos Nelumbo Lotusland's Dally Dally

Ein Lotos Made in Brandenburg. Dieser Nelumbo besticht durch seine kugelförmigen himbeerrosa Blüten, die so richtig schon aus der ferne leuchten.


Dieser Lotos sollte in Gefäßen ab 45 Litern Fassungsvermögen gehalten werden, damit er sich entfalten kann.


Made in Brandenburg.



A lotus made in Brandenburg. This Nelumbo impresses with its spherical raspberry-pink flowers, which really shine from afar.


This lotus should be kept in vessels with a capacity of 45 liters or more so that it can develop.


Made in Brandenburg.

Nelumbo Lotusland's Dally Dally

Nelumbo Lotusland's Dally Dally

38,00 €

Nelumbo Lotusland's Dally Dally
Nelumbo Lotusland's Dally Dally
Nelumbo Lotusland's Dally Dally
Nelumbo Lotusland's Dally Dally
Nelumbo Lotusland's Dally Dally
Nelumbo Lotusland's Dally Dally